中島 昌彦
Masahiko Nakashima / Videographer
1981年 熊本県阿蘇市生まれ。
中学まで阿蘇市一の宮町で過ごし、熊本学園大学付属高校卒業後、単身渡米。 カリフォルニア州立大学ノースリッジ校にて映画を学んだ後、帰国。東京で数々の番組制作に関わる。 「NHKスタジオパーク」の展示映像やスカイツリー開業時のプロモーションを経て、近年は日本テレビ系「金曜ロードSHOW!」にて編集や番組宣伝に関わる。 「ソーシャルテレビ・アワード2015」にて「日経デジタルマーケティング賞」を受賞。 2016年4月に発災した熊本地震を機に帰郷。地元阿蘇神社の情報配信を中心に従事。 2017年度「グッドデザイン賞(社会貢献活動)」を受賞。 2019年社会起業家を育成するボーダレスアカデミーを卒業。 現在、動画・写真を撮影から納品までワンストップで行うビデオグラファーとして、クライアントワークや社会起業家を応援する動画を制作している。
Born in Aso, Kumamoto in 1981.
Lived in Ichinomiya, Aso until completing junior high school, then after graduating from Kumamoto Gakuen University Fuzoku High School, moved to America.
After studying film at California State University, Northridge, returned to Japan. Involved in production of numerous TV programmes in Tokyo.
Made exhibition videos for NHK Studio Park, involved in editing and advertising of NTV`s “Friday Roadshow”.
Received the “Nikkei Digital Marketing Award” at the “2015 Social TV Awards”.
In April 2016, owing to the occurrence of the Kumamoto Earthquakes, returned to Aso City, Kumamoto and became actively involved in distributing information about Aso Shrine, leading to a “Good Design Award (Social Contribution Activities) in 2017.
In 2019, graduated from Borderless Academy which trains social entrepreneurs.
Currently working as a videographer, providing a complete package from taking videos and photos to the delivery of the finished product, as well as doing work for various companies and making videos to support social entrepreneurs.

Masahiko Nakashima / Videographer
Aso Studio
was originally built in 1939, was refurbished in 2019.

阿蘇スタジオは中島昌彦の曽祖父・中島友正の古民家を改修して作られたスタジオです。 中島友正は日本テレビの父として知られる高柳健次郎と共にテレビの開発に従事していました。 1939年に阿蘇に建てられた古民家を2019年に改修。 改修に携わったのは日本で初めてポールスミスの路面店を手がけた株式会社マイン。 阿蘇の木材を使いながら、現代風に作り替えられました。
かつてテレビ開発を夢みた場所で、現在 最新技術を導入した映像が制作されています。
Aso Studio is located in a refurbished traditional Japanese style house which belonged to Masahiko Nakashima`s great grandfather Tomomasa Nakashima.
Tomomasa Nakashima engaged in TV development with Kenjiro Takayanagi who is known as “the father of Japanese television”.
The house, which was originally built in 1939, was refurbished in 2019.
The company which undertook the refurbishment, Mine Co.,Ltd, also worked on the first Paul Smith store in Japan.
Using locally sourced Aso timber, the building was transformed into a present-day abode.
Currently videos are made here using the latest technology in the very same place where modern TV was once a dream.
撮 影

編 集


通 訳

Film should exist to help
solve social issues
Over the years I have been involved in film production but recently I have often started to wonder who I should be making films for and why.
The turning point came in 2016 when I made a series of videos about Aso Shrine which was heavily damaged in the Kumamoto Earthquakes.
I believe that through film, which can be shown worldwide, the spotlight should be placed on those who need help and those who are working to overcome problems themselves.
As a videographer I undertake work for companies, but at the same time I make videos to support social entrepreneurs and various social organizations.
2016年4月に発生した熊本地震により気に国指定重要文化財の阿蘇神社(熊本県・阿蘇市)が倒壊しました。 復旧の様子を伝えるべく神社や地域の人々を撮影。動画配信サイトYoutubeで動画を配信しています。 キヤノンマーケティングジャパンやDJI JAPANが参加し、新しい被災地復興の形を世の中に提案しています。
Aso Shrine
During to the Kumamoto Earthquakes in April 2016 Aso Shrine, designated an “Important National Cultural Property” collapsed.
In order to document the path to recovery, I am filming the shrine and local people. These videos are being distributed on YouTube.
Canon Marketing Japan and DJI JAPAN are also participating in this new style video project to support the restoration of Aso Shrine and thereby share the story worldwide.
熊本の復興支援団体「BRIDGE KUMAMOTO」の一員として「ブルーシードバッグ」や「巨大あやとり」など、さまざまなキャンペーンを動画にまとめて発信しています。写真は、被災した東海大学阿蘇キャンパスで、OBたちと「絆」をあらわす巨大なあやとりの橋を作るという企画。熊本地震からちょうど3年目にSNSで発信。Twitterで5万再生を記録しました。
As a member of the recovery support organisation “BRIDGE KUMAMOTO”, I am making and sharing videos about various campaigns such as the “BLUE SEED BAG PROJECT” and the “Giant Ayatori (Cat`s Cradle)”.
This is a photo showing a giant cat`s cradle of a bridge representing “Kizuna (Connections)” taken on site with alumni of Tokai University`s Aso Campus, which was damaged in the earthquakes.
Soon after the earthquakes, students of Tokai University`s Aso Campus started undertaking activities to support recovery. I regularly document and share these.
ボーダレスアカデミーは社会問題を解決する社会起業家をつくるソーシャルビジネススクールです。 社会起業家・現役経営者が講師を努める本格的な社会起業プログラムで、卒業と同時に起業を目指します。 卒業時には日本最大規模のソーシャルイベント「JAPAN SOCIAL BUSINESS SUMMIT」が開催され、 私は学生たちが学ぶ様子やサミットの動画を記録・提供しています。
Borderless Academy Japan is a social business school which trains social entrepreneurs who help to solve social issues.
It offers an authentic social entrepreneurship program during which lectures are given by successful social entrepreneurs and current managers, and aims to prepare students to start up businesses immediately after graduation.
Every year I take videos at graduation and also at the annual “JAPAN SOCIAL BUSINESS SUMMIT”
Film should exist to help solve social issues.